Use this evaluation ABC checklist when searching for information on the Internet.
- Is the information from a reliable source?
- Does the author have appropriate qualifications, background and knowledge of the subject?
- Where is the document published and who has published it?
- Check the accuracy - how does the site compare to other sources?
- Check the web site address (URL = uniform resource locator)to verify the origin of the site:
.govt or .gov = government .
.org = non-profit organization.
.co or .com = commercial
.ac or .edu = academic/ educational
- Why do you think the information was written?
- What opinions if any are expressed by the author?
- Does it provide a balanced view of the topic or is there an obvious bias promoted by the puiblisher or author?
- Who is the intended audience?
- Where is the document published?
- When was the information written or recorded?
- Is the information up to date for the topic?
- Are the site links up-to-date, are they relevant and do they work?