A good place to start is to search on the Library catalogue (see box below).
Check out what resources and information you can access via Moodle
UCOL Library staff can assist you if you need help getting started.
If what you are looking for is not held by UCOL Library it may be able to be obtained from another library via Interloan
You can find some great books on the library shelves at the Dewey (shelf) numbers below.
670 Fitting, Machining and Welding
684 Woodmaking
694 Wood Construction & Carpentry
728 Residential and Other Buildings
Come in and browse. You may find just what you are after!
Below are a selection of print books on various architectural topics. Your library has a number of other books on this topic.
Do come and browse the shelves to see what else you can find.
Here are some great books available in the UCOL library. Click on each link to find out more about the book, whether it is available, or to place a hold on the item.