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Building Construction & Architectural Technology: Websites

A guide to Building Construction & Architectural Technology

Getting Started

Use this ABC evaluation checklist when searching for information on the Internet.


Is the information from a reliable source? Does the author have appropriate qualifications, background and knowledge of the subject? Where is the document published and who published it? Check the accuracy - how does the site compare to other sources?

Check the website address (URL) to verify the origin of the site:

  • .govt or .gov = Government
  • .org = non-profit organisation
  • .co or .com = commercial
  • .ac or .edu =                                               academic/educational

Why do you think the information was written? What opinions, if any, are expressed by the author? Does it provide a balanced view of the topic or is there an obvious bias promoted by the publisher or author? Who is the intended audience? Where is the document published?


When was the information written or recorded? Is the information up-to-date for the topic? Are the site links up-to-date, are they relevant and do they work?

Useful Websites

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment: Building and Construction

Various New Zealand housing and construction information.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment: Building Performance

MBIE's goal is ensure everyone has safe, healthy, durable homes and buildings, ultimately to grow New Zealand for all. 

New Zealand Construction Industry Council

A not-for-profit organisation of building organisations.

ACC - Accident and Compensation Corporation

All you need to know about ACC claims and rules.


EBOSS is an online library of product catalogues that contain scope of use, limitations and building code compliance information, case studies and others.

Construction Knowledge

A website to help people to learn and advance in construction knowledge. 

Teton Heritage Builders Free Home Building Resources

A resource to help with home building process, from picking the perfect lot, architecture to managing the construction process.

Building Guide

A step by step guide to better home design and building

Consumer NZ

A step by step guide to help you build a new home.

Association of Consulting Engineers NZ

This organisation provides advice and leadership to construction, engineering and professional services.

BRANZ  Building Research Association NZ

An independent organisation that tests construction products.

Building and Construction ITO

All you need to know about getting an apprenticeship.

Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand

An association promoting and marketing the sustainability of concrete as a building material of choice.


Google Scholar Search