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Business: Websites

A Guide to Business information resources.

Getting Started

Use this ABC evaluation checklist when searching for information on the Internet.


Is the information form a reliable source? Does the author have appropriate qualifications, background and knowledge of the subject? Where is the document published and who published it? Check the accuracy - how does the site compare to other sources?

Check the website address (URL = Uniform Resource Locator) to verify the origin of the site:

  • .govt or .gov = Government
  • .org = non-profit organisation
  • .co or .com = commercial
  • .ac or .edu = academic/educational

Why do you think the information was written? What opinions, if any, are expressed by the author? Does it provide a balanced view of the topic or is there an obvious bias promoted by the publisher or author? Who is the intended audience? Where is the document published?


When was the information written or recorded? Is the information up-to-date for the topic? Are the site links up-to-date, are they relevant and do they work?

Useful Websites

Stats NZ

Informative statistics on New Zealand

Business NZ

The voice for New Zealand business.

New Zealand Companies Office

New Zealand companies' information and setting up new companies

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

Policies and advice on New Zealand business, enterprise, sector and regional development.

New Zealand Inland Revenue

Information on taxation in New Zealand

Commerce Commission New Zealand

The Commerce Commission promotes competition in New Zealand markets and prohibits misleading and deceptive conduct by traders.

New Zealand Legislation

The Authoritative source of New Zealand Acts and Bills

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

This agency helps with know-how and know who to grow New Zealand business internationally.

WorkSafe New Zealand

Health and safety regulatory information in New Zealand workplace.

ADLS Connecting New Zealand Lawyers

Information on New Zealand lawyers and legal system for the public.

FindLaw Lawyers New Zealand

A great website to help help you to understand law in New Zealand. 

Courts of New Zealand

New Zealand court system, its role and decision making.

Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand

Latest information in the Australia and New Zealand accounting arena.


A leading source of financial content  on the web, leading to sharper insight and smart investing. 

NZX (New Zealand Stock Exchange)

Quality information on capital, risk and commodity markets to support decision making. 

The Marketing Bulletin

A quality academic journal relating to the theory and practice of marketing. 

The Balance

Marketing for small businesses

Human Resource Institute of New Zealand

Information on human resource management

The Balance

Articles on human resource management


Videos, podcasts and articles on the latest trends in business

Business News Daily

Small business solutions and inspirations.

Business Insider Australia

Latest business news around the world


News on business, technology, leadership, entrepreneurs and lifestyle. 


Google Scholar Search