A good place to start is with your required and recommended textbooks.
Another starting point is to check out what resources and information you can access via Moodle
UCOL Library staff can assist you if you need help getting started.
If what you are looking for is not held by UCOL Library it can be obtained from another library via Interloan
Try these keywords and phrases when searching the catalogue, databases or the Internet. |
Baking |
Bakery |
Cuisine |
Food and Beverage |
Herbs |
Healthy Food |
Ingredients |
New Zealand Cookery |
Nutrition |
Pastry |
Restaurant |
Spice |
For a complete list of required and recommended textbooks for cookery programmes, please refer to your specific programmes handbook. Your programme handbook can be found here by navigating to the correct page for your course.
Here are some of the recommended texts for the New Zealand Certificate in Cookery L3 and L4, as well as some extra texts that may be useful.
For a complete list of required and recommended textbooks for cookery programmes, please refer to your specific programmes handbook. Your programme handbook can be found here by navigating to the correct page for your course.
Here are some of the recommended texts for the New Zealand Certificate in Cookery L3 and L4, as well as some extra texts that may be useful.
For a complete list of required and recommended textbooks for cookery programmes, please refer to your specific programmes handbook. Your programme handbook can be found here by navigating to the correct page for your course.
Here are some of the recommended texts for the New Zealand Certificate in Cookery L3 and L4, as well as some extra texts that may be useful.