The first step to research is to break down your assignment so that you know exactly what you need to research.
Key words
Command words
Assignment limits such as: time, place, people or groups.
Let's look at the following assignment question and work out the key words, command words and limits. The answers are in the box below:
Identify the three principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) and discuss each principle describing a relevant nursing strategy that will contribute to culturally safe practice.
Identify the three principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) and discuss each principle describing a relevant nursing strategy that will contribute to culturally safe practice.
: discuss
The green words in the following sample question are the command words:
Identify the three principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) and discuss each principle describing a relevant nursing strategy that will contribute to culturally safe practice.
Think about the limits of your assignment question.
Time: Is the question set in the past (historical), present (occurring now), future (still to happen) or a specific time frame (e.g. across the lifespan)?
Place: Is the question related to a particular country, area of a country, or global?
People/Groups: Is the question asking you to focus on a particular person (Mrs S), group (Mâori people), organisation (SPCA).
Scenario: Is this a case study of a particular business or client/patient?