These databases assist you to find articles in serials / journals.
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New database has nursing textbooks online.
CINAHL® Ultimate is the definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database - with no embargo. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU models and research instruments.
The Ministry of Health provides free access within New Zealand to The Cochrane Collaboration, which is a collection of evidence-based medicine databases including:
- The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
- Cochrane Controlled Trials Register
- Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness
Select and Search multiple databases on the EBSCOhost platform for Articles, Journals, eBooks and more.
Database subject areas include: Applied Sciences & Technology, Art and Architecture, ANZ Reference Centre, Business, CINAHL ultimate, Education, Engineering, Environment, ERIC Health source, Hospitality & Tourism, Humanities, LGBTQ+, Library, Medline , Nursing, Psychology, Sociology, Sport & Exercise, Science, Veterinary and Vocational Studies.
Free access to New Zealand legislation, including NZ Acts, Bills, Regulations, and glossary as well as a guide to using the New Zealand Legislation website.
This resource is a searchable collection of over 2,000 peer-reviewed journals published by Elsevier. ScienceDirect College Edition offers more than a quarter of the world's scientific, medical and technical information online.
Download thousands of medical illustrations, videos, interactive tools, and monographs of anatomy, physiology, embryology, surgery, trauma, pathology, diseases, conditions and other topics.
DynaMed is a clinical decision support tool that combines the most current clinical evidence with guidance from leading experts.
With DynaMed, clinicians can find answers to questions at the point-of-care.
Offers tools and content including systematic reviews, evidence summaries, best practice information sheets, and more, to inform evidence-based research and practice in healthcare.
Lippincott Advisor Australia and New Zealand gives nurses the clinical decision support they need to facilitate delivery of care, make accurate assessments, and build competency and confidence – all while driving positive patient outcomes.
Lippincott Procedures, is a web-based, go-to source for step-by-step clinical guidance. It has over 1,700 procedures and skills from a wide variety of nursing specialties including medical-surgical, critical care, obstetric, pediatric, neonatal, ambulatory care, pediatric intensive care, perioperative, oncology, behavioral health, and long-term care. In addition, it also includes allied health procedures for respiratory therapy and physical therapy.
Master nursing best practices with the premier source for evidence-based information designed specifically for nurses. Use Nursing Reference Center Plus to get answers to questions quickly, access care plans, watch video demonstrations, and strengthen nursing skills.