Round brackets (parentheses).
Abbreviating a term within the text:
The abbreviation must be written out in full the first time.
First time: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term used to encompass several conditions...
Second time: One of the symptoms of COPD is breathlessness.
NOTE: Abbreviations should generally only be used for recognised terms and must be able to be understood by the reader.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 189)
Abbreviating the author in a citation within the text:
When abbreviating a group author within the text, the abbreviation is placed with the year in round brackets.
"Ministry of Health, 2019 states that ..." becomes "Ministry of Health (MoH, 2019) states that..."
(APA manual, 2020, p. 268)
Square brackets
Abbreviating a term within the in-text citation:
Square brackets are used to abbreviate groups or corporate authors or to add information within citations.
First use includes both the full name and the abbreviation.
Example: Health in New Zealand is delivered by a complex set of groups (Ministry of Health [MOH], 2019).
Second and subsequent citations use the abbreviation only.
Example: These groups include 20 local boards (MOH, 2016).
Note: In the reference list, the group or corporate author are written out in full.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 160).
When drawing attention to a book in your narrative (not as a citation), the title of the book can be italicised.
Example: Sarah Winman wrote Still Life in 2020 and it was published in 2021.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 170).
Whether you use a direct quote (the author's words) or paraphrase (rewritten in your own words), you should acknowledge the source of the information or ideas.
1. One to two author(s) or editor(s) surname appears first followed by initials
Examples: (Bloggs, 2019). OR (Bloggs & Jones, 2017)
Three or more authors or editors use surname of first author, followed by et al.
Example: (Kessler et al., 2003).
(APA manual, 2020, pp. 266 and 285-289).
2. Year of publication in brackets
Example: (2010).
If there is no date, use n.d.
Example: (n.d.).
(APA manual, 2020, pp. 285-291).
3. The Title is italicized.
Example: Operations management: Sustainability and supply chain management.
Notes: Capitalise only the first word of the title, subtitle (if any), and proper names.
Use a colon (:) between the title and subtitle whether or not there is a colon used on the book itself.
(APA manual, 2020, pp. 291- 293).
4. Include the edition number in brackets after the title or subtitle.
Examples: (3rd ed.).
(Rev. ed.).
Note: no full stop after the title if there is an edition.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 291).
5. Publisher's Name. Provide this as briefly as possible.
on the book.
Example: Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
- Do use terms such as Books, Publishers, or Press.
Example: Oxford University Press.
(APA manual, 2020, pp. 295-296).
6. If the book has a DOI or URL, include this at the end of the reference.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 296).
Look in the appropriate box below to see how you should cite and reference your source depending on the number of authors the book has.
Example 1
Water is a necessary part of every person's diet and of all the nutrients a body needs to function, it requires more water each day than any other nutrient (Whitney & Rofles, 2011).
Example 2
Whitney and Rolfes (2011) state the body requires many nutrients to function but highlight that water is of greater importance than any other nutrient.
Example 3
Water is an essential element of anyone's diet and Whitney and Rolfes (2011) emphasise it is more important than any other nutrient.
Whitney, E., & Rolfes, S. (2011). Understanding nutrition (12th ed.). Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 286).
Research can be defined as a systematic method of creating new knowledge or a way to verify existing knowledge (Watson et al., 2008).
Then in your reference list:
Include all authors.
Watson, R., McKenna, H., Cowman S., & Keady, K. (Eds.). (2008). Nursing research: Designs and methods.
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.
Note: The authors were identified as editors hence (Eds.) is placed after the last name.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 286).
In text citation example:
The general public, as well as healthcare personnel, all need education in how to prevent infection (Lemone et al., 2011).
Then in your reference list:
List the first 19 names ... last name.
Nixon, C. A., Lorenz, R. D., Achterberg, R. K., Buch A., Coll, P., Clark, R. N., Courtin, R., Hayes, A., Iess L., Johnson,
R. E., Lopes, R. M. C., Mastrogiuseppe, M., Mandt, K., Mitchell, D. G., Raulin, F., Rymer, A. M., Todd Smith, H.,
Solomonidou, A., Sotin, C., … Yelle, R. V. (2018). Titan’s cold case files: Outstanding questions after Cassini-
Huygens. Planetary and Space Science, 55, 50, 50-72.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 286).
Corporations, Associations, government agencies and other groups that serve as authors are usually spelled out in full each time they are used. If the group has a well known abbreviation, that may be used in second or subsequent citations.
In text citation example:
First in text citation: (Ministry of Health [MOH], 2007).
Second & subsequent citations: (MOH, 2007).
Then in your reference list:
Ministry of Health. (2007). Looking at long-term residential care in a rest home or hospital: What you need to know.
Remember: if the author and publisher are the same, the publisher name is not included.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 268).
Where a book has an edition, add edition number after the title and before the full stop.
Example: The small business book: A New Zealand guide for the 21st century (6th ed.).
Note: The edition number is always a numeral even if the edition number on the book is written in words.
Example: On the spine of Foundations of sport and exercise psychology is shown as "Sixth Edition". In your citation and reference list, this would be listed as (6th ed.).
(APA manual, 2020, p. 291).
For an edited book, place (Ed.) after the author(s) name(s).
Example: Aspinall, V. (Ed.). (2014). Clinical procedures in veterinary nursing (3rd ed.). Elsevier.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 287).
The title of the chapter as well as the title of the book are included in the reference.
In-text citation:
(Palmer, 2007)
Then in your reference list:
Palmer, F. (2007). Treaty principles and Maori sport: Contemporary issues. In C. Collins & S. Jackson (Eds.), Sport
in Aotearoa/New Zealand society (2nd ed., pp. 307-334). Thomson.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 326 ).
(Sadun et al., 2011).
Then in your reference list:
Sadun, E., Grothaus, M., & Sande, S. (2011). Taking your iPad 2 to the max (2nd ed.). Apress.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 321).