Round brackets (parentheses).
Abbreviating a term within the text:
The abbreviation must be written out in full the first time.
First time: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term used to encompass several conditions...
Second time: One of the symptoms of COPD is breathlessness.
NOTE: Abbreviations should generally only be used for recognised terms and must be able to be understood by the reader.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 189)
Abbreviating the author in a citation within the text:
When abbreviating a group author within the text, the abbreviation is placed with the year in round brackets.
"Ministry of Health, 2019 states that ..." becomes "Ministry of Health (MoH, 2019) states that..."
(APA manual, 2020, p. 268)
Square brackets
Abbreviating a term within the in-text citation:
Square brackets are used to abbreviate groups or corporate authors or to add information within citations.
First use includes both the full name and the abbreviation.
Example: Health in New Zealand is delivered by a complex set of groups (Ministry of Health [MOH], 2019).
Second and subsequent citations use the abbreviation only.
Example: These groups include 20 local boards (MOH, 2016).
Note: In the reference list, the group or corporate author are written out in full.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 160).
Cite only original content from social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc.
If you use links from social media, cite the original source, not social media site.
Do not change spelling and capitalization in social media references.
If emojis are included, provide these in square brackets e.g. [face with tears of joy emoji]
For the title, include up to the first 20 words of the post.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 350).
Give the site URL in text, inside parentheses.
Do not include in reference list
Jacinda Ardern uses Twitter ( to communicate with the New Zealand public and those interested in New Zealand issues.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 350).
Both in-text citation and reference are required.
Include author name as written (do not change the order of first and last name)
Date includes year and date, but not time.
URL leads directly to the post rather than the feed in general.
Facebook post example:
(UCOL, 2019).
UCOL. (2019, May 30). Battle of the Bands [Status update]. Facebook.
Facebook post with video example:
(News From Science, 2018).
News From Science. (2018, June 26). These frogs walk instead of hop: https://scimage/2KlriwH [Video]. Facebook.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 349).
The title of the blog post is not italicised.
The name of the blog is italicised.
If the full name of the author is given, include the first initial.
Blog post example:
(Lindsay, 2019).
Lindsay. (2019, November 20). The best instant pot mashed potatoes. Pinch of Yum. pot-mashed-potatoes
(APA manual, 2020, p. 320).
Treat Pinterest the same as an online image.
Pinterest example:
(Daily Health, n.d.).
Daily Health. (n.d.). Fat killer workout [Video]. Pinterest.
(APA manual, pp. 348-350).
Add the twitter handle after the author name.
Twitter example:
(Global Health 50/50, 2019).
Global Health 50/50 [@GlobalHealth5050]. (2019, November 27). We are honoured to have @helenafortes on our
judging panel [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 348)
Remember to include the hashtag after the author name.
Instagram example:
(Venturebeat, 2019).
Venturebeat [@venturebeat]. (2019, October 17). This is the Pixel 4 [Photograph]. Instagram.
(APA manual, 2020. p. 350)
Online forum example:
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2018).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration [nasa]. (2018, September 12). I'm NASA astronaut Scott Tingle. Ask
me anything about adjusting to being back on Earth after my first spaceflight! [Online forum post]. Reddit.
(APA manual, 2020, p. 350).